Sex doll online shop-Siliconerealdoll

We are a Sino-US joint venture manufacturer and seller of top realistic dolls in this industry. Siliconerealdoll began to develop and produce sex doll products in 2014, and continues to grow and develop. Now we have the world’s advanced technology, Siliconerealdoll’s own sex dolls guarantee the best quality and our mission is to become the most cost-effective sex doll manufacturer in the industry!
In order to provide doll lovers all over the world with the best and cheapest sex dolls, we have established

Siliconerealdoll online store features

(1) A reliable online site for sex dolls is here! Siliconerealdoll only sells authentic brands and the most authentic sex dolls.
(2) A sex doll with strong flexibility and rich texture made of safe TPE and silicone materials.
Each TPE Sex Doll has a metal skeleton inside. Just like having sex with a real woman, you can take various poses. Since the joints are rigid, it is effortless to maintain the posture.
(4) You can choose various options such as hairstyle, skin color, pubic hair, breasts, standing, etc. according to your own preferences. If you want to add specific functions to the love doll, please contact us via email: [email protected]. We will reply you as soon as possible according to your request.
(5) Purchasing process and payment method. You can click here to see how to order: How to buy sex dolls on Siliconerealdoll?
(6) Free World Wide Shipping! We provide the best pre-sales and after-sales services. You can communicate with us through online chat on the web. For shipping and service, please click Shipping and Return.

Siliconerealdoll Factory 

We have a professional TPE and Silicone Sex Dolls factory for our customers. We get the authority of famous brands so that we can manufacturing all these popular sex dolls. At here, you can see some images of our factory:

Official Authorized Sex Dolls Brand

Siliconerealdoll not only produces sex dolls, we are also committed to the development of the sex doll industry. Through our efforts, Siliconerealdoll has obtained the authorization of well-known sex doll brands. Due to the advantages of geography and language, all our brands of sex dolls are the most affordable. We have also hired professional customer service personnel in United States to answer your questions for 24h.